Quotes by Henry Rollins, American Musician

  • More and more, journalism seems to have hopped out of Truth’s pocket and crept into another.
  • Music to me is mankind’s greatest possible achievement because look at all the good it does.
  • If I had to live my life in anticipation of what others thought of me, little would get done.
  • Technically speaking, there is no music whatsoever on a CD. Lots of information, but no music.
  • I think Naomi Klein was very astute with her book ‘Shock Doctrine.’ We make money on disaster.
  • The blues is losing someone you love and not having enough money to immerse yourself in drink.
  • Contemporary bands often will do tour-only releases pressed and sold only in Australia. Crikey!
  • One person’s roar is another’s whine, just as one person’s music is another’s unendurable noise.
  • Most of the people who call me a sellout were 7 when I was down face-first in the punk trenches.
  • Castle Face Records, run by The Oh Sees main man, Johnny Dwyer is always worth checking in with.
  • America’s foreign policy lacks the backbone to do the right thing in Afghanistan – which is leave.
  • I’m not harmful, just introspective. You can probably think I’m weird, but it’s not harmful weird.
  • Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.
  • When I am in Africa, I realize I don’t know much, have not seen much, and there’s a lot to be done.
  • Ramones music has a Pavlovian effect on me – the song starts, and the world blurs around the sound.
  • When someone asks you, ‘What’s punk?’ my reply is, ‘If you have to ask, you’re never going to know.’
  • Fish is the only kind of respirating thing that I consume. Everything else I don’t want any part of.
  • There’s a lot of mountain climbers trapped inside of bodies of people behind the counter at Kinko’s.
  • There is no way you are going to be forgiven for blowing up a village and killing a bunch of people.
  • I don’t mind bees and think we are all the better for having them around. I like the taste of honey.