Quotes by Henry Rollins, American Musician

  • Yes, I guess you could say I am a loner, but I feel more lonely in a crowed room with boring people than I feel on my own.
  • Pride is a thing that I have tried to abandon completely. Try as I might, pride still creeps into many of the things I do.
  • I always found the Chicago audience to be a smart, fast-moving, violent and cheerful lot, and it’s always good to be back.
  • With age, life becomes complex and difficult, often fraught with risk on several levels, from the practical to the fiscal.
  • I’ve never heard Daft Punk; I’ve never heard a track of theirs in my life. They’re the two guys with motorcycle helmets on?
  • We are misery-making machines! Homo sapiens has perfected the art of causing suffering. Pain is humankind’s collective GDP.
  • America sold VX nerve gas and anthrax to Iraq for years, even after the Halabja gas attack, which killed thousands of Kurds.
  • Most poets are elitist dregs more concerned with proving their skill with a dictionary than communicating ideas with impact.
  • Rock n’ roll unchained a nation and revolutionized radio and the record industry, not to mention the motion picture business.
  • After I wrapped ‘Sons of Anarchy,’ I traveled by myself for ten weeks. I started in Jordan and finished in Mali, in Timbuktu.
  • In my bright, utopian future world, they will hand out college educations like cups of water at the end of the L.A. Marathon.
  • Michele Bachmann is always a great person to go to for an opinion about anything. She has a very active and interesting mind.
  • A lot of Americans don’t have a passport, never will have a passport. Not only will they not travel, they don’t want to travel.
  • I can deal with people who watch me on stage but I am not good in communicating with people any other way than through my work.
  • I don’t think you’ll ever have a perfect world because we humans are prone to error, and so we’re always in search of an upgrade.
  • You can pass all the gun legislation you want. None of it will make me feel any more or less safe than I do right at this moment.
  • If some band sucks, you’re going to have to find out about it for yourself, because I don’t have the interest in issuing warnings.
  • Being an artist is dragging your innermost feelings out, giving a piece of yourself, no matter in which art form, in which medium.
  • Consumerism is at once the engine of America and simultaneously one of the most revealing indicators of our collective shallowness.
  • The scarcity of the music not only makes the music itself enjoyable but it also gives the collector a strange sense of superiority.